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Parish Masthead, showing St Helen's Church and Parish Logo

Accessibility Statement for Berrick Salome

Parish Neighbourhood Plan Website

This website is run by Berrick Salome Parish Council. If you have a disability, you should be able to find appropriate support via the features in the list below; the site does not contain any audio or video material, nor forms to be completed, so you will not need help for these features. If you need fuller support than that provided via the help links within the list, we recommend the AbilityNet  website.

This site will enable you to

- change colours, contrast levels and fonts;

- zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen;

- navigate the website using just a keyboard, including skip to main content;

- navigate the website using speech recognition software;

- listen to the website using a screen reader (including the most recent versions of JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver).

As several organisations have already produced lots of very good content about how to make computers and websites more accessible, we have linked to these sites rather than duplicate their content. My Web My Way produced by the BBC is a comprehensive site with loads of useful information and a wealth of accessibility links.

We believe this site is compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1, but if you have difficulty in accessing it, please get in touch with the Clerk, via the link in the footer.